Satan heeft Twitterpagina en post hilarische quotes

Satan heeft Twitterpagina en post hilarische quotes

Het twitteraccount van Satan werd gelanceerd als parodie op heel wat grote leiders die over een zo'n pagina beschikken. Op het account verschijnen regelmatig satirische quotes over actuele gebeurtenissen. Wij somden de grappigste op.

The reason I sin is because there's a stairway to heaven and a Highway to hell and I sure as hell ain't climbing no stairs

— Satan (@s8n) April 3, 2017

If it's 1 or 1000 sins you're still getting sent to Hell. So why not go for 1,000,000 sins and come down here a legend

— Satan (@s8n) October 22, 2015

The devil didn't make you do it, you're just an asshole

— Satan (@s8n) November 17, 2017

If you ever feel alone, watch a horror movie late at night with the lights off. You won't feel so alone anymore.

— Satan (@s8n) October 6, 2017

Don't be racist, hate everyone equally.

— Satan (@s8n) September 10, 2017

I miss you son @realDonaldTrump

— Satan (@s8n) August 18, 2015

Don't stress too much about life. You're not getting out of it alive anyway

— Satan (@s8n) December 1, 2017

You gotta love Jesus.

He's born, you get presents. He dies, you get chocolate.

— Satan (@s8n) December 16, 2017

Come to the Darkside. We have no electricity bills.

— Satan (@s8n) February 28, 2017

Whoever said 'there's no rest for the wicked' was lying, we love sleep.

— Satan (@s8n) September 23, 2017