Fiere bodybuilder neemt al dertig jaar steroïden

Fiere bodybuilder neemt al dertig jaar steroïden

De vol getatoeëerde kolos volgt een Spartaans trainingsregime en een vezelrijk dieet. Piana heeft nooit ontkend dat hij anabole steroïden gebruikt. De man heeft ondertussen miljoenen fans.

Here is our newest 5%er athlete @pmluke_cage and I have to say he has crazy ass genetics in this pic he weighs 215lbs!! This is the type of physique my next series will be based on! I uploaded a new video on my Rich Piana YouTube channel this morning featuring this beast! Go follow @pmluke_cage for insane inspiration and motivation!! My goal is to have the perfect physique visually and physically and have as much muscle mass as possible without going backwards- losing function- losing mobility and losing flexibility! I'm huge still weighing around 310 and although looks impressive it is pretty useless and definitely just to much muscle! My goal in the next series will be to get down to 240 which will be a loss of 70lbs! I will look a million times better and be a million times better in every way! Check out the video and how many times can you bench your body weight or squat your body weight- dips- pull ups?? I can tell you this weighing 310 my numbers are shit!! The bottom line is if your numbers are higher then your stronger it's all relative even if you weigh 150lbs!! #whateverittakes #welcometoourworld #loveitkillit #1dayumay #richpiana #weareallinthistogether #family #5percenters #forlife #monstersdoexist #killit #5150 #alldayyoumay #realfood #fullasfuck

Een foto die is geplaatst door Rich Piana (@1dayumay) op

This pic was taken after the slap boxing and I have to say I had no idea that @lordvader25 had any disability's at all! All I knew was he was the one behind all the threats to our lives to me and my wife @sara.piana on social media. If I knew he had any kind of disabilities I would never of asked him to engage in a slap boxing match with me. I posted a video up on My YouTube channel talking about the event. I have been talking to him on the phone and learned a lot about him and I did apologize to him. He has been making YouTube videos longer than me and he competes in both powerlifting and bodybuilding. He truly Loves this sport and is trying to be the best he can be! What he wanted from the beginning was to film a video together and he still wants that to happen more than anything. So we need to make that shit happen! Maybe him slapping the shit out of me? I mentioned that to him and he said no he just wants to do a training video then I said it would probably go viral and he said ok let's do it!! Lol! #whateverittakes #jasongenova #lordvader #loveitkillit #1dayumay #nopainnogain #biggerbytheday #eatbigtogetbig #killinit #monstersdoexist #nosuchthingasovertraining #welcometoourworld #5150 #2016bringingbigback #5percenters #forlife

Een foto die is geplaatst door Rich Piana (@1dayumay) op

Een foto die is geplaatst door Rich Piana (@1dayumay) op

Foto Instagram / Rich Piana