Nelly is opnieuw op vrije voeten

Nelly is opnieuw op vrije voeten

De ster, die onder meer bekend is van de hits ‘Dilemma' en ‘Hot in Herre', was op dat moment aan het touren met de ‘Florida Georgia Line'. Hij ontkent de aantijging ook in alle toonaarden. "Ik ben geschokt, ik ben volledig onschuldig", schrijft Nelly op Twitter. "Ik heb er alle vertrouwen in dat als alle feiten bekend zijn het duidelijk zal worden dat ik het slachtoffer ben van een valse beschuldiging."

Let me say that I am beyond shocked that I have been targeted with this false allegation. I am completely innocent. I am confident that once the facts are looked at , it will be very clear that I am the victim of a false allegation.

— Nelly_Mo (@Nelly_Mo) 7 oktober 2017

I do want to apologize to my loved ones for the embarrassment and for putting myself in a situation where I could be victimized by this false and defaming allegation.

— Nelly_Mo (@Nelly_Mo) 7 oktober 2017

I also want to thank my fans for their unwavering support. They know me. I assure you I will be vindicated. And I assure you, I will pursue every legal option to address this defaming claim. Thank you

— Nelly_Mo (@Nelly_Mo) 7 oktober 2017

In other words y'all know damm well I ain't do no dumm S^*t like this..!! Love ..!!!!

— Nelly_Mo (@Nelly_Mo) 7 oktober 2017

To be absolutely clear. I have not been charged with a crime therefore no bail was required. I was released , pending further investigation.

— Nelly_Mo (@Nelly_Mo) 7 oktober 2017