Helen Mirren reveals her admiration of Queen Elizabeth

Helen Mirren reveals her admiration of Queen Elizabeth

Dame Helen Mirren is a "Queenist".
The Oscar-winning actress, who starred as Britain's Queen Elizabeth in the 2006 movie 'The Queen', doesn't consider herself to be a monarchist, but is happy to concede she's a fan of the 88-year-old monarch who she played in the film.
She explained: "I'm not a royalist but I am a Queenist. Monarchy is a bit hard for me to get my head around. I'm not religious either and often the two go together. However, I'd much rather prefer to have a benign monarch rather than a dictator."
The acclaimed actress likened the Queen's personality to a "submarine", having studied her in great detail prior to taking on the role.
She told the Mail on Sunday newspaper: "I always thought that the Queen was like a submarine. In public, her personality is submerged, her soul is beneath the waterline.
"The submarine is full of life, full of action, but the only thing we ever see of it is her eyes, this little periscope, peering out at the world very slightly amused by everything but never letting on.
"She doesn't often smile while she's on official duties. She's working, she's not a celebrity. She doesn't need to integrate.
"When I was watching footage of her for my research, I kept thinking, 'Why doesn't she smile?' Of course, she does smile when she's joyful, but as a default, no. 'I don't need to smile. That's not what I'm here for. I'm a queen.'"